Unit 4: Taxes

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Unit 4 Learning Objective: We want students to learn the importance of taxes on their individual lives by teaching them how to properly file their own taxes.

Course Content


  • Unit 4 Pre-Assessment Quiz

Chapter 1: Purpose of Taxes
Learning Objective: We want students to learn about where their tax money is being distributed; by teaching them about the services that benefit from their tax and how it sustains our economy.

Chapter 2: Tax System
Learning Objective: We want students to know the differences between the various types of taxes we have; by teaching them the various different types of taxes and what they are used for.

Chapter 3: Tax Filing
Learning Objective: We want students to learn how to file their own taxes; by teaching them how to fill out forms, find what tax bracket they belong to, and about the IRS.

Chapter 4: Tax Apps
Learning Objective: We want students to learn about the technical side of taxes; by teaching them how to utilize free resources to help better their knowledge, organize, and simplify things.