Unit 7: The Other Side of Finance

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Unit 7 Learning Objective: We want to be able to bridge the disparity between the nature of not being able to find enough resources and feeling insecure about the lack of it and how we can come out of whatever financial struggle or unknowing exists, by redirecting their focus onto what is available and how to make the most of their situation.

Course Content

Chapter 1: Financial Well-Being
Learning Objective: We want students to not think of personal finance as intimidating by teaching them effective ways to manage their well being and how to approach difficult situations.

  • Lecture: Financial Well-Being
  • Video: Financial Well-Being

Chapter 2: Mental Well-Being and Money
Learning Objective: We want students to be able to focus on mental well being; financial well being starts with mental well being and we will link resources that motivate students to partake in having a clean, open and fresh mind.

Chapter 3: Time Management
Learning Objective: We want students to effectively learn organizational lessons by providing them with examples and templates which they can implement around their own schedules and routines.

Chapter 4: Gender Equity and Pay Gap in the Workforce
Learning Objective: We want students (more specifically our womxn population) to know how to fight for equal pay by building confidence, networking and using their voice to advocate for what’s morally correct.

TOSOF Activities